miercuri, 26 decembrie 2012

What is new in Tanganyika Lake

Octombrie 2012

Petrochromis sp. ‘orange tail’ Kasanga

Petrochromis species are still sought by some specialized hobbyists. Pictured here, a new variety from Kasanga, Tanzania, sold as Petrochromis sp. ‘orange tail’, a close relative of the species known as “Kipili Brown”. Note the reddish color on the tail and dorsal fins.

Neolamprologus gracilis Sibwesa

Formerly (many years ago) offered from Congo, Neolamprologus gracilis has been exported again, this time from Sibwesa, Tanzania. This fish, formerly known as Lamprologus ‘palmeri’, develops long white-tipped caudal fin extensions. Note the lack of facial marks. Photo by A. Konings.

by Cichlids News Magazine

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