Lamprologus brevis sunspot Namansi
Shell dwellers remain popular and wild individuals are still available. Here, a recently imported Lamprologus brevis ‘sunspot’ collected at Namansi, Tanzania, so named by its characteristic mid body blotch.
Altolamprologus Compressiceps Coal Black
Imported several years ago from Zambia, but not exported since,
Altolamprologus compressiceps ‘coal black’ is a dark black form of the
popular species and has arrived again.
Tropheus moori Malasa
Not often imported, since nearby variants are usually caught
instead, is the Tropheus moorii from Malasa Island, Tanzania. Note the
dark red markings around the head area and the typical “rainbow” body markings
along with a yellow dorsal fin.
Julidochromis marlieri Kasanga
By Cichlid News Magazine