joi, 22 decembrie 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

BBC One Christmas 2011 ident + Attenborough "What a wonderful world"

marți, 13 decembrie 2011

Mouth Brooding Fish

A mother cichlid fish protects her young by keeping them in her mouth. But a parasite has evolved a way to use her own defenses against her.

duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

FxF and FxM the Water Calculator

Fresh Water Calculator

Calculations for:
GH + dkH raise
CO2 + fertilizer
No3 + Po4 raise
brackish water (salt calcu)
Unit Converter
Power Calcu
and many many more

The program is free.


Marine Water Calculator

A short excerpt of the features
° 3 Part Classic computer (to W. H. Balling)
° 3 Part Liquid Calculator
· Zeolites Calculator
° Phosphate calculator
° Po4 nitrate and increase computer
· HELP (chemical and animal)
• Update for program updates
° unit conversions
° power cost calculator
and many small useful tools more ....

The program is free.
