marți, 26 aprilie 2011

what's new: Lake Tanganyika ~ April 2011

Recently exported from Tanzania, Tropheus brichardi Chungwa has interested hobbyists lately due to its color. This fish is collected near Namansi, Tanzania and can be quite aggressive towards conspecifics.


Tropheus moorii Muzi has been shipped from Zambia several times over the recent years. It is also called “cherry blue rainbow” due to the red and blue colors on the body. Its exact collecting location is not known, but previously thought to be near Malasa Island, Tanzania.



On rare occasions, one or two individuals of Trematocara arrive in import shipments. Here, T. variabile arrived from Burundi, but died shortly thereafter. If this genus holds any interest for you, buy whatever you can find to build your colony!


Newly collected from points south of Namansi, Tanzania, Petrochromis sp. ‘giant blue’ is a very large fish to import and thus rather expensive due to freight costs. Individuals usually arrive larger than 8 inches (20 cm) in total length.

Sursa: ~ What's New ©by Laif DeMason

Tropheus variant distribution

joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Sarbatori Fericite!

duminică, 17 aprilie 2011

Cichlidenstadl - Colaborare perfecta.

In urma cu patru zile aveam sa primim primul transport de cichlide africane din Germania si anume de la "Cichlidenstadl".
Nu prea exista comparatie cu alti pesti pe care i-am importat si de asemenea nu exista comparatie cu privire la conditiile de transport, acte, comunicare, etc. Marimile si speciile cerute au fost exacte iar pestii de o calitate superioara atat cei salbatici cat si cei crescuti in acvariu sau ca o noutate in pondurile lor din Africa (pond raised).
Au fost adusi urmatoarele specii de pesti:

Tropheus murago (wild and tank raised)
Tropheus moori red rainbow Kasanga(tank raised)
Tropheus moori Kasakalawe (wild)
Tropheus sp.Red Moliro(wild)
Tropheus sp.Red Chilanga (tank raised)
Cyphotilapia Frontosa blue Zaire moba(tank raised)

Aulonocara sp. Red Dragon(tank raised)
Placidochromis Phenocilus Tanzania(tank raised)

L 081
L 114